DAIRY (MILKS, CHEESES, YOGURTS): The Ministry of Health recommends the consumption of three servings of dairy per day. Adults should always favor low-fat dairy. Children, teenagers, pregnant women and breastfeeding women should consume three servings of whole dairy per day.
Milk consists of water, proteins, fats, minerals and sugars. Milk proteins, like meat proteins, are complete proteins; therefore, they have high biological value. A few people are allergic to milk protein just like there are people allergic to other proteins, such as those from meats or legumes. Milk contains fats that are harmful to the heart and blood flow and have been associated with the onset of certain diseases. However, milk fat is rich in vitamin A, a nutrient that tends to be low in the Brazilian diet, especially children’s diets. This is why children should not drink low-fat milk. Adults will be making intelligent choices if they consume low-fat milk and cheeses. Milk is the main source of calcium in the Brazilian diet, which is also low in this nutrient. Low calcium intake impairs the child’s growth, has a negative effect on pregnant women and may cause or worsen osteoporosis (weakening of the bones) in adults. Additionally, today it is known that low calcium intake during growth can result in osteoporosis during adulthood and old age. The sugar found in milk is called lactose. According to the Ministry of Health, roughly 37 million Brazilians aged 15 years and older present some degree of lactose intolerance. In these individuals, milk intake causes diarrhea, gas and abdominal pain. In this case, seeds, legumes and broccoli are good alternative dietary sources of calcium. Consumption of fermented milk such as yogurt and cheese may ease the problem since they contain less lactose. Today, lactose-free milk is also available. Truth is that without milk and dairy, it is much harder, but not impossible, to reach the recommended daily intake of this mineral to ensure good bone health. And, considering that the life expectancy of today’s youth is much greater than that of other times, it is good to pay attention to the amount of calcium consumed to prevent future problems with osteoporosis. |