Carbohydrates are energy nutrients. Sugar is considered a simple carbohydrate.
Sugars are naturally present in many foods, such as fruits and honey, or extrated from some foods and later added to other foods.
Although sweets contain carbohydrates, the dietary energy coming from sweets should not exceed 10% of the total energy consumed daily. This helps to prevent non-communicable chronic diseases. This means that the population should reduce its current mean sugar intake by at least 33% (one-third).
Based on domestic studies on food intake and disease, the Ministry of Health recommends a reduction in the consumption of processed foods and beverages with high sugar content and in the amount of sugar used at home for the preparation of foods and beverages.
When shopping, read the labels and do not buy foods:
::after their expiration date;
::with 15g or more of sugar per 100g of product;
::with 7.5g or more of sugar per 100mL of product.