Reduce your intake of fried foods and foods high in fats or salt.
Fats should provide 15 to 30% of the total energy of the diet.
Fats are classified as saturated and unsaturated, depending on their chemical structure. Unsaturated fats can be monounsaturated or polyunsaturated, depending on the number of double bonds between carbon atoms.
Saturated fats are found in animal-source foods and are associated with increased cholesterol.
Although trans fats consist of unsaturated fatty acids, they are very detrimental to the heart. Most of the trans fats are produced industrially. Avoid consuming trans fats, make sure you check the labels.
Excess fat intake is an important risk factor for non-communicable chronic diseases, such as obesity, high blood pressure and dyslipidemias.
To learn more, please refer to the Brazilian Food Guide, available at the SANS Network library or at the Ministry of Health website.
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