13 de dezembro de 2012

Dietetic and cooking techniques: sugars and sweets

.:Preparing healthier desserts Remember the following when preparing desserts: Sweets that contain fruits not only have a greater number of […]
13 de dezembro de 2012

Serving sizes for sugars and sweets

1 serving = 110 Kcal Food Weight Cooking unit Banana paste 40g 1 medium-sized unit (bar) Dulce de leche (creamy) […]
13 de dezembro de 2012

What else is written in the Brazilian Food Guide about sugars and sweets?

Carbohydrates are energy nutrients. Sugar is considered a simple carbohydrate. Sugars are naturally present in many foods, such as fruits […]
13 de dezembro de 2012

A healthy, appropriate and caring diet

Have at least three meals a day (breakfast, lunch and supper) and small snacks interspersed between meals (Ministry of Health, […]
13 de dezembro de 2012

Scientific information about fruits

In a study done in São Paulo city, researchers from the University of São Paulo (USP) have shown that the […]
13 de dezembro de 2012

Cultural and historical curiosities about fruits

1. Global and regional fruits Fruits consumed globally – Apple, banana, papaya, grapes, lime, mango, melon, orange, pear, pineapple, strawberries […]
13 de dezembro de 2012

Dietetic and cooking techniques: fruits

Procedures for selecting, washing and disinfecting fruits. When choosing, do not buy fruits with the following characteristics: whose parts, peel […]
13 de dezembro de 2012

What else is written in the Brazilian Food Guide about fruits?

Fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and fibers and, when consumed daily, they protect your health and reduce your risk […]
13 de dezembro de 2012

What else is written in the Brazilian Food Guide about meats and eggs?

Meats and eggs are part of a healthy diet, since they have high quality proteins (complete and balanced amino acid […]