16 de dezembro de 2012

Scientific information about starchy foods

1. Obesity is not synonymous with food abundance. People who experience food insecurity consume only grains, oil, sugar and beans. […]
16 de dezembro de 2012

Cultural and historical curiosities about starchy foods

BREAD (Rekhmire, 1450 years before Christ) “Grind in a pestle foliage from bulrush reeds. Sieve the flour thoroughly. Add one […]
16 de dezembro de 2012

Dietetic and cooking techniques: starchy foods

How to select and prepare starchy foods Whole rice and wheat flour contain vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids but […]
16 de dezembro de 2012

Serving sizes for starchy foods

1 serving = 150 Kcal  Food Weight Cooking unit Angu (cooked cornmeal) 105g 3 tablespoons Banana cake 50g 1 piece […]
16 de dezembro de 2012

What else is written in the Brazilian Food Guide about starchy foods?

Grains are rich in complex carbohydrates, especially starch, which is the main source of energy of the human diet (45 […]
13 de dezembro de 2012

The Project

General objective (proposal objective): The project proposes to integrate public policies on food and nutrition security and health by promoting […]
13 de dezembro de 2012

MDS lança consulta pública sobre educação alimentar na rede de assistência social

Para garantir a participação da sociedade na elaboração do material que vai nortear as práticas de educação alimentar e nutricional […]
13 de dezembro de 2012

Scientific information about sugars and sweets

1. In 2009, through the National Schoolchild Health Survey, IBGE found that more than half of the Brazilian teenagers eat […]
13 de dezembro de 2012

Cultural and historical curiosities about sugars and sweets

SUGAR “One can already talk about an historical Brazilian sense of taste and, possibly, also tropical or conditioned ecologically; and, […]