17 de dezembro de 2012

Scientific information about legumes

Brazilians are slowly reducing their intake of rice and beans. The Family Budget Survey (Pesquisa do Orçamento Familiar, POF, 2008-2009) […]
17 de dezembro de 2012

Cultural and historical curiosities

“In 1826, Carl Seidler realizes the undisputable fact: beans, especially black beans, is the national and favorite dish of the […]
17 de dezembro de 2012

Dietetic and cooking techniques

Legumes include all beans, such as green beans, cowpeas, kidney beans, black beans, broad beans, flageolet, mung beans, pinto beans, […]
17 de dezembro de 2012

Serving sizes for legumes

1 serving = 55 Kcal Food Weight Cooking unit Beans, black, cooked 80g 1 medium-sized ladle Beans, cooked (50% water) […]
17 de dezembro de 2012

What else is written in the Brazilian Food Guide about legumes?

Legumes should provide 5% of the total energy of the diet. Include nuts and seeds in your computation of legume […]
17 de dezembro de 2012

Cultural and historical curiosities about nuts

Cashew is a Brazilian fruit. Its flesh was used by aboriginals as food and the nut was used for preparing […]
17 de dezembro de 2012

Dietetic and cooking techniques

Use nuts and seeds in your preparations or consume them raw or roasted, with little or no salt. To benefit […]
17 de dezembro de 2012

What else is written in the Brazilian Food Guide about nuts?

“Seeds (sunflower, sesame, squash and others) and nuts (Brazil, cashew, walnut, almonds, hazelnuts and others) are also good sources of […]
17 de dezembro de 2012

A healthy, appropriate and caring diet

Have at least three meals a day (breakfast, lunch and supper) and small snacks interspersed between meals (Ministry of Health, […]